Training System to Sensor Technology
Industry 4.0 is a common term in modern economies. It is better to get prepared now if we want to claim a leading place within the ranking of dynamic manufacturing nations.
For this reason, educational institutions around the globe prepare their engineers for future industrial processes with main focus on programming, robotics, IOT and the always essential sensors.
As the industrial sensors are considered the centerpiece of those high-tech systems, we offer an economic solution that provides extensive knowledge especially around those sensors. For an up-grate, the trainer can be controlled by PLC. The Sensor Test Panel is easy to understand and offers perfect fundamentals for more detailed trainings on complex mechatronic installations.
The compact trainer is equipped with a motorized conveyor, rotation disk and counters. It can be operated either manually, automatically or PLC controlled. The trainer comes with inductive, capacitive, optic, magnetic, fiber optics, ultrasonic, analogue sensors and different material samples.
Learning Content:
- Basics to Industrial Sensors
- Sensing Range Determination
- Sensing Range Setting
- Reduction Factor
- Switching Hysteresis
- Functionality of the Sensors
- Responsitivity to Material Samples
- Frequency Counting
- End-Position Detection
- Detection on Inclined Surfaces
- Sensors for Explosive Areas (NAMUR)
- Window Operaton NO/NC
- One Switch-Point NO/NC