Workstations for E-Mobility
E-Mobility is not only the top priority of vehilcle manufacturers and their suppliers worldwide but it also became a major topic for workstation producers. The technical requirements for the electrical equipment changed considerably and so we expanded our modular product program, especially by means of DC supplies. Now the PROFI Workstations in combination with the IMOD Device System cover all common functions for R&D and test workstations for the field of electric mobility.
The IMOD Device Series is fully compatible with latest IoT standards and supports automatic test procedures with arbitrary voltage and current progression as well as many features for data locking and evauation.
For your E-Mobility Workstation following Data might rise your interest:
- AC Sources up to 520A
- DC Sources up to 500V or 120A
- Multimeter up to 100A
- Circuit Breakers, sensitive to all currents and Emergency Stop with Safety Category 4